At Yoosefian Law Firm, P.C., we understand that experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace can be emotionally devastating and professionally damaging. As dedicated Los Angeles sexual harassment lawyers, we are committed to helping victims seek justice and hold perpetrators accountable. Our firm provides comprehensive legal representation for employees facing all forms of workplace sexual harassment throughout Southern California.
What Constitutes Sexual Harassment in the Workplace in Los Angeles?
Sexual harassment occurs when an individual experiences unwelcome sexual conduct that affects their employment or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. Under California law, this behavior must be based on sex or gender and be severe or pervasive enough that a reasonable person would consider it harassment. As your Los Angeles sexual harassment attorney, we help victims understand their rights and options when facing these challenging situations.

Two Primary Forms of Workplace Sexual Harassment
Quid Pro Quo Harassment
Quid pro quo harassment represents a serious abuse of power in the workplace. This form of harassment occurs when employment benefits are conditioned upon sexual favors. A supervisor or manager might promise promotions, raises, or better working conditions in exchange for sexual acts. Alternatively, they may threaten termination, demotion, or other negative consequences if sexual advances are rejected. Our Los Angeles sexual harassment lawyers understand the profound impact this behavior has on victims’ careers and well-being.
Hostile Work Environment
A hostile work environment develops through unwelcome sexual conduct that creates an intimidating or offensive workplace atmosphere. This environment typically forms through patterns of behavior such as unwanted touching, persistent sexual comments, display of explicit materials, or repeated sexual advances. As sexual harassment attorneys serving Los Angeles, we recognize that this type of harassment can be more subtle but equally damaging to victims’ professional lives.

Recognizing Sexual Harassment Behaviors in the Workplace
Understanding what constitutes sexual harassment helps victims recognize when their rights have been violated. Sexual harassment behaviors may include:
- Physical Misconduct: Unwanted touching, inappropriate physical contact, blocking movements, or invading personal space create threatening situations that no employee should endure.
- Verbal Harassment: Sexual comments, jokes, gender-based insults, offensive conduct, or discussing sexual activities can create a hostile environment, even when not directed at a specific person.
- Visual Harassment: Displaying sexually explicit materials, making sexual gestures, or sharing inappropriate images through any medium constitutes harassment when it creates an offensive environment.
- Digital Harassment: Modern workplace harassment often occurs through emails, text messages, social media, or other electronic communications. Our Los Angeles sexual harassment lawyers understand how technology can enable harassment beyond traditional workplace boundaries.

How Our Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Lawyers Help You Fight Back
Provide Immediate Protection and Guidance
When you reach out to our sexual harassment lawyers in Los Angeles, we take immediate action to protect your rights. We begin by assessing your current situation and implementing strategies to prevent further harassment. Our team helps you understand your legal options while providing clear guidance on documenting incidents and preserving evidence.
Build Your Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Case
Our Los Angeles sexual harassment attorneys meticulously construct your case through:
- Conduct Thorough Investigation: We conduct detailed investigations into your workplace harassment situation, gathering crucial evidence that supports your claim. This includes reviewing emails, text messages, social media communications, personnel files, and company policies. Our sexual harassment lawyers work to identify patterns of behavior and locate potential witnesses.
- Manage Documentation and Evidence: We help you properly document all harassment incidents, including creating detailed timelines of events, preserving communications, and gathering witness statements. Our Los Angeles sexual harassment attorney team maintains secure records of all evidence, ensuring nothing is overlooked or lost.
- Analyze Workplace Policies: We examine your employer’s sexual harassment policies, reporting procedures, and past handling of similar complaints. This analysis helps establish whether your employer followed proper protocols or failed in their duty to prevent harassment.
Manage Your Claim Process
- File Administrative Complaints: Our sexual harassment lawyers handle all necessary filings with the California Civil Rights Department (CRD) and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). We ensure your complaints meet all technical requirements and deadlines while presenting your case effectively to these agencies.
- Negotiate with Employers: As your Los Angeles sexual harassment attorney, we engage with employers and their legal teams to pursue fair resolution. Our negotiation strategies focus on securing appropriate compensation while protecting your career interests and professional reputation.
Protect Against Retaliation
Our sexual harassment lawyers in Los Angeles implement proactive strategies to shield you from workplace retaliation. We closely monitor your employment situation and take swift action if retaliatory behavior occurs.
Maximize Your Workplace Sexual Harassment Compensation
We calculate and pursue recovery for all financial losses, including:
- Lost wages and benefits
- Reduced earning capacity
- Medical and therapy expenses
- Job search costs
- Career development setbacks
Our sexual harassment lawyers fight for compensation for personal impacts such as:
- Emotional distress
- Anxiety and depression
- Damage to reputation
- Loss of professional opportunities
- Impact on personal relationships
Protect Your Career
Our sexual harassment lawyers work to protect your professional future by:
- Negotiating confidentiality agreements
- Securing neutral employment references
- Addressing potential impacts on future employment
- Protecting your professional reputation

What To Do If You Have Been a Victim of Workplace Sexual Harassment in Los Angeles
Document Everything Immediately
Begin keeping a detailed record of all harassment incidents. Write down dates, times, locations, and specific details of what occurred. Save all related emails, text messages, photos, or other evidence in a secure location outside your workplace. This documentation becomes crucial evidence if legal action becomes necessary.
Report the Harassment Formally
Follow your company’s established procedures for reporting sexual harassment. Submit your complaint in writing to Human Resources or your designated supervisor. Keep copies of all reports and correspondence. This creates an official record and legally obligates your employer to investigate the situation.
Seek Medical Care If Needed
If you experience physical symptoms or emotional distress from the harassment, seek appropriate medical or mental health care. Keep records of all appointments, treatments, and associated costs. These medical records can serve as important evidence and help document the impact of harassment on your well-being.
Know Your Legal Rights
Under California law, you have the right to work in an environment free from sexual harassment. Your employer cannot legally retaliate against you for reporting harassment. Understanding these rights helps you make informed decisions about your next steps and protects your interests throughout the process.
Preserve All Evidence
Save all physical and digital evidence related to the harassment:
- Take screenshots of text messages or social media posts
- Print relevant emails and electronic communications
- Photograph any inappropriate materials or physical evidence
- Keep a backup of all documentation in a secure location
- Maintain a timeline of all related events and conversations
Follow Company Procedures
Review your employee handbook or company policies regarding harassment. Follow the prescribed reporting procedures exactly. This demonstrates your good faith effort to resolve the situation through proper channels and strengthens your legal position if further action becomes necessary.
Set Clear Boundaries
Communicate clearly to the harasser that their behavior is unwelcomed and must stop. When possible, do this in writing or email to create a record. If direct communication feels unsafe, work through your supervisor or Human Resources department to establish these boundaries.
Protect Your Communications
Use personal email accounts and devices when communicating about the harassment. Avoid using company computers, phones, or email systems for harassment-related communications. This prevents your employer from accessing or monitoring these sensitive discussions.
Keep Performing Your Job
Maintain your normal work performance standards despite the difficult circumstances. Document any way the harassment affects your ability to perform your duties. Keep copies of performance reviews or feedback that show your work quality before and during the harassment.
Watch for Retaliation
Monitor and document any changes in your work situation that could indicate retaliation:
- Sudden schedule changes
- Reduction in hours or responsibilities
- Negative performance reviews
- Exclusion from meetings or projects
- Hostile treatment from supervisors or colleagues
Protect Your Mental Health
Consider seeking counseling or joining a support group. The emotional impact of workplace harassment can be significant. Professional support helps you process the experience and maintain your well-being throughout the legal process.
Contact a Sexual Harassment Attorney
Reach out to Yoosefian Law Firm, P.C. for a confidential consultation with our Los Angeles sexual harassment lawyers. Early legal guidance helps protect your rights and preserve important evidence. Our sexual harassment attorneys will help you understand your options and develop an effective strategy for addressing the harassment.
File Administrative Complaints
Your sexual harassment lawyer can help you file complaints with:
- California Civil Rights Department (CRD)
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) These filings must meet specific deadlines and requirements. Professional legal guidance ensures your complaints are properly prepared and submitted.
Consider Your Long-term Goals
Work with your sexual harassment attorney to develop a strategy that aligns with your career goals and personal needs. This might include:
- Seeking policy changes at your workplace
- Negotiating a settlement
- Pursuing legal action
- Planning career transitions
- Addressing professional reputation concerns
Contact Yoosefian Law Firm, P.C. today to discuss your situation with our experienced Los Angeles sexual harassment attorneys. We provide confidential consultations and guidance on protecting your rights and pursuing appropriate legal remedies.
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: When You Should Talk to a Lawyer
As Los Angeles sexual harassment attorneys, we recommend seeking immediate legal consultation in specific situations. Here are the key circumstances that warrant speaking with a sexual harassment lawyer:
- Direct Threats to Employment: Your supervisor links job security, promotions, or work conditions to sexual favors or responses to sexual advances.
- Physical Harassment: You’ve experienced any form of unwanted touching, sexual assault, or physical intimidation in the workplace.
- Retaliation: You face negative employment actions after reporting sexual harassment, including demotion, schedule changes, or hostile treatment.
- Pattern of Behavior: You notice recurring inappropriate comments, persistent unwanted advances, or ongoing hostile behavior creating an uncomfortable work environment.
- Failed Internal Resolution: Your employer’s HR department or management has not adequately addressed your formal complaints about sexual harassment.
- Missing Documentation: Your employer fails to properly document your complaints or appears to be destroying or altering relevant evidence.
- Hostile Work Environment: You experience persistent unwelcome sexual conduct that interferes with your ability to perform your job duties.
- Witness to Harassment: You’ve observed sexual harassment of others and face pressure to stay quiet or participate in covering up the behavior.
- Group Harassment: Multiple employees experience sexual harassment, suggesting a systemic problem in the workplace.
- Digital Harassment: You receive unwanted sexual messages, images, or communications through work email, messaging systems, or social media from colleagues.
- Performance Impact: Sexual harassment begins affecting your work performance, emotional well-being, or career advancement opportunities.
- Policy Violations: Your employer fails to follow their own sexual harassment policies or lacks proper harassment prevention procedures.
- Approaching Deadlines: You’re concerned about legal time limits for filing sexual harassment claims under California law.
- Uncertain Rights: You need clarity about your legal rights and options regarding workplace sexual harassment.
Don’t wait to seek legal help if you experience any of these situations. Contact our Los Angeles sexual harassment lawyers at Yoosefian Law Firm, P.C. for a confidential consultation. We can evaluate your sexual harassment lawsuit, explain your rights, and help you understand the best path forward for your specific situation.
Financial Compensation You May Be Entitled To After Experiencing Workplace Sexual Harassment
As your Los Angeles sexual harassment attorneys, we work diligently to secure all forms of compensation available under California law. Victims of workplace sexual harassment may be entitled to various types of financial recovery:
- Back Pay: Compensation for lost wages, bonuses, and benefits if harassment led to termination, demotion, or forced resignation.
- Front Pay: Future lost earnings if harassment has impacted your ability to continue in your position or advance in your career.
- Medical Expenses: Coverage for physical and mental health treatment, including therapy, counseling, and medication related to harassment trauma.
- Lost Benefits: Compensation for health insurance, retirement contributions, stock options, and other benefits lost due to harassment.
- Career Development Losses: Recovery for missed promotions, training opportunities, or career advancement prevented by harassment.
- Out-of-Pocket Expenses: Reimbursement for job search costs, career counseling, or other expenses incurred due to harassment.
- Emotional Distress Damages: Compensation for anxiety, depression, stress, and other psychological impacts of harassment.
- Reputational Damage: Recovery for harm to professional reputation and future career prospects.
- Punitive Damages: Additional compensation in cases involving particularly egregious employer conduct or failure to prevent harassment.
- Interest: Accumulated interest on lost wages and other monetary damages from the date of loss.
- Attorney Fees: Recovery of legal costs and attorney fees if your case succeeds.
- Training Costs: Expenses for professional development or retraining if harassment forces a career change.
- Moving Expenses: Costs associated with relocating for new employment if necessary due to harassment.
- Loss of Earning Capacity: Compensation if harassment results in long-term impact on your ability to earn income.
Take Action Against Sexual Harassment: Contact Our Los Angeles Attorneys Today:
Don’t face workplace sexual harassment alone. At Yoosefian Law Firm, P.C., our sexual harassment lawyers are ready to help you protect your rights and pursue the compensation you deserve. Contact us for a confidential consultation to discuss your case and understand your legal options.
Los Angeles Sexual Harassment in the Workplace FAQs
How long do I have to file a sexual harassment claim in Los Angeles?
Under California law, you generally have three years from the date of harassment to file a complaint with the Civil Rights Department (CRD). However, different deadlines may apply depending on your specific situation and whether you’re filing under state or federal law.
Will my employer know if I speak with a sexual harassment lawyer?
All consultations with our Los Angeles sexual harassment attorneys are completely confidential. Your employer will not be notified when you seek legal advice about your situation.
Can I be fired for reporting sexual harassment?
Terminating employment in response to a sexual harassment report is illegal retaliation under California law. If you face termination after reporting harassment, you may have additional legal claims against your employer.
Does sexual harassment have to be directed at me personally to be illegal?
No. You can be a victim of sexual harassment even if the offensive behavior is not specifically directed at you. Witnessing sexual harassment of others that creates a hostile work environment can be grounds for a legal claim.
What if the sexual harassment occurs at work-related events outside the office? Sexual harassment that occurs at work-related social events, conferences, or off-site meetings is still considered workplace harassment and is protected under California law.
Can my employer require me to sign a non-disclosure agreement about sexual harassment?
California law significantly limits employers’ ability to require non-disclosure agreements in sexual harassment lawsuits. The “Silenced No More Act” protects your right to discuss harassment experiences.
What if the harasser is not my direct supervisor?
Sexual harassment claims can be filed regardless of the harasser’s position. This includes harassment by supervisors, colleagues, subordinates, clients, customers, or vendors.
Do I need documentation to prove sexual harassment?
While documentation strengthens your case, you can still pursue a claim without written evidence. Witness testimony, timeline of events, and your own detailed account can support your case.
What if other people at work don’t find the behavior offensive?
Sexual harassment is evaluated using a “reasonable person” standard. If the behavior would offend a reasonable person in your situation, it may constitute harassment regardless of others’ reactions.
Can my employer force me to work with someone who has harassed me? Employers have a legal obligation to take reasonable steps to prevent continued harassment. Requiring you to work directly with someone who has harassed you may violate this obligation.
What compensation might I receive from a sexual harassment claim? Compensation can include lost wages, emotional distress damages, medical expenses, therapy costs, career development losses, and in some cases, punitive damages against the employer.
Will I have to quit my job to file a sexual harassment claim?
No. You can pursue a sexual harassment claim while maintaining your employment. However, many employees choose to seek new employment due to the challenging workplace dynamics.
What if the harassment happened entirely through online platforms?
Digital harassment through email, social media, messaging apps, or other electronic means is legally equivalent to in-person harassment when it involves workplace relationships.
Can male employees file sexual harassment claims?
Yes. Sexual harassment laws protect all employees regardless of gender. Men can file claims for harassment by either male or female harassers.
What if I initially participated in sexual banter but now want it to stop?
You have the right to withdraw participation and set new boundaries at any time. Once you communicate that the behavior is unwelcome, continued sexual unwelcome conduct may constitute harassment.
Contact Yoosefian Law Firm, P.C. for a confidential consultation about your specific situation. Our Los Angeles sexual harassment attorneys can answer additional questions and help you understand your legal options.